VitaforTIS Phytocomplex syrup

Phytocomplex syrup with antioxidant, tonic, hypoglycemic, vasoprotective properties, improves peripheral circulation, increases visual acuity.

Composition: Vaccinium myrtillus fruit extract 10%, Hippophae rhamnoides fruit
extract 6%, Rosa canina fruit extract 5% and excipients. It does not contain sugar.

Properties: Vaccinium myrtillus fruit extract due to their content in myrtilin and neomyrtilin, have hypoglycemic properties, while anthocyanosides protect the ocular vasculature by activating the regeneration of retinal purpura and through angioprotective qualities. Hippophaes rhamnoides fruit extract contains significant amounts of vitamin C, carotenoids, vitamin E, as well as smaller amounts of vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, nicotinic acid, inositol, vitamin F. Rosa canina fruit extract is known for the large amount of vitamin C, along with vitamin A, vitamins B, E, K and P, riboflavin and nicotinic acid, being used in traditional medicine for the vitaminizing action and for increasing the body’s resistance.

Adults: 2 teaspoons 3 times a day.
Children over 2 years: one teaspoon 3 times a day