TISALGIN 300 mg suppositories

ISALGIN 300 mg belongs to the group of drugs known as: analgesics and antipyretics. It relieves pain and reduces body temperature in case of fever.

Composition: each suppository contains metamizole sodium 300 mg and excipients. Indications:
• acute severe post-injury or postoperative pain; colic; tumor-caused pain; other severe acute or chronic pain, when other therapeutic means are not indicated.
• relieves fever, when it does not respond to other treatment.

Children over 4 years old to 15 years
old: The usual dose is one suppository TISALGIN 300 mg as needed, administered rectally. If necessary, the dose can be repeated after at least 6 hours, without exceeding 4 TISALGIN 300 mg suppositories per day.

Packaging: -box with two blisters of 3 suppositories -box with two blisters of 5 suppositories